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Image by Aaron Burden

for by grace you have been saved through faith.

Ephesians 2:8


Where would I be if not for your grace?

My life started with a miracle. My young mother had a difficult pregnancy and delivery. Shortly after my birth, the doctors called for a chaplain because they did not expect me to survive the night. However, my mother, not willing to lose me, called on Jesus while the hospital called on a chaplain! She promised God that if He let me live, she would give me back to Him and raise me in the fear and admonition of the Lord. God did honor her cry and let me live to tell the story. And my mother kept her promise in the best way she knew how, by taking me to church every week and keeping me enrolled in Christian schools.




Growing up in church gave me a sense of spiritual security. I think all kids who grow up in church have that. I had a praying family, so I thought I was ok spiritually. But my mother always told me that there would come a time when I would have to make my own true, personal commitment to Him. When I turned 18 I didn’t want to hear that anymore, and I turned my back on God to do the things my so-called friends were doing. My priorities became making money and partying. By then I was in college and the Army, so there was a never-ending blur of carousing opportunities. When I look back on it all, I realize that the enemy did everything he could to keep me living in sin, but thank God I had a mother who stayed on her knees. She knew God would answer her prayers and rescue me.




One night while out in a bar with friends, I took a sip of my beer and it turned to ashes in my mouth. I angrily spit it out on the floor and told the bartender someone put ashes in my beer. One of my friends took a sip of my beer and said it tasted fine to him. Confused, I took another sip and again ended up with a mouth full of ashes and spit it out. I then glanced at the dance floor and the people on it didn’t look like people anymore, but evil spirits dancing. I pointed and yelled, “Look at those demons on the dance floor!” My friends laughed at me and told me I was crazy, so I just left.


That night was the beginning of a series of supernatural events that God used to get my attention. So I stopped running, repented of my sins, and made that true, personal commitment to God that my mother had always talked about. I thank God for His grace and patience!




I answered the call to the ministry at the age of 24,  and just 2 years later I found and married my beautiful wife, Jennifer. We have two amazing children, Joshua and Jiahna, ages 28 and 22. Life with Jesus has been the most incredible, game-changing experience! I can’t imagine where I would be without Him. I’m just so grateful that He didn’t give up on me during my years of rebellion. 


I am ready for the next chapter, and I look forward to the marvelous future God has waiting for me and my family!

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